Why does the SENCo Admin user have the three options 'document', 'comment' and 'EHCP' when on-boarding information for CYP who have EHC Plans?

Why does the SENCo Admin user have the three options 'document', 'comment' and 'EHCP' when on-boarding information for CYP who have EHC Plans?


·          The user will upload the Current EHCP and associate the Section K documents.

·          This continues to evidence the graduated response.

·          The user can archive previous versions/drafts of the EHCP

 Document – following issue of the current EHCP

 ·          SENDiT is a tool for digitising new professional input documents following the issuing of the current Final EHCP.  This is done via the document source route.

·          On receipt of a new professional document you can immediately on-board it through the iPlan.  

 This will ensure the iPlan is current and all users can access the professional input as it arrives in the setting.

·          Other internal documents will also be used as source document as they are generated.

 Comment – following issue of the current EHCP

 ·          SENDiT is also a tool for all users to record new information not copied directly from a document; with the comment sourced directly to the user’s role.