Q. What is the process for an iPlan moving from Draft to Version 1 and then Version 2 etc?

Q. What is the process for an iPlan moving from Draft to Version 1 and then Version 2 etc?

The SENCo Admin user has authorisation for this function.

·          Following on-boarding the draft iPlan will be the page all users are directed to when selecting the Student record.

·          Through local arrangements other members of the team may be directed to add to the draft iPlan.

·          For quality assurance purposes the SENCO Admin user will make the decision that the iPlan is robust and reflects the current situation and will therefore be the first version of the SENDiT iPlan

When confident that all the current information is within the draft plan, the SENDCo-Admin user will generate the Version 1 iPlan by the click of a button.


·          On the Student Record list, the type of iPlan will always be visible. (Draft/Version 1 etc)

  ·          Locate the function for changing the iPlan via:

o   Level 1

o   iPlan

o   + NEW iPlan

 At the review of the Short-Term targets’ amendments to the iPlan will be made, and the SENCo Admin user will again be the authoriser for Version 2 iPlan.

·          Version 1 iPlan will be archived

For quality assurance purposes, the SENDCo-Admin has exclusive access to create the versioned iPlan.

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